Harris energizes voters in Nevada, but the state is still up for grabs

Washington Post   ·   Link to Article

In a state that can be swung with just a few thousand votes, Nevada’s Culinary Union — 60,000 people strong — is a political powerhouse. Come September, when the union’s organizers start their door-knocking campaign, they hope to be able to harness the new energy behind Harris to draw nonpartisan voters to the polls.

...But Harris “is dynamic,” he added. “She just is. Nobody can deny that.”

For the Democrats to win, particularly in Las Vegas, they must stay focused on a strong economic message — one that offers answers to the housing crisis embroiling the city, Pappageorge argued.

“She has got to stay very tough on this economic message that she is going to be the ‘Housing President,’ the president that is going to make sure that people can afford their rents and they can afford to own their own homes,” he said.

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